Into the Woods

Into the Woods ISM Cover

Jack selling Milky White to the Baker in ISM’s Production of Into the Woods

As our third production within the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are finally allowed to have musicians and actors closer to each other. I served as Rehearsal Accompanist and Co-Music Director and we were finally able to get a full orchestration for the pit.

Being the co-music director, I took charge of scheduling and managing rehearsals. My position as the rehearsal accompanist also aided during pit rehearsals as I was able to communicate to the conductor and rest of the pit about liberties that the cast were taking during their rehearsals. As well, I was able to understand that musical cues that were important for the cast that the instrumentalists needed to bring out, especially because this was a Sondheim score.

This position taught me a lot about the administrative work outside of score studying and the performance itself. Juggling emails and auditions for the musicians was a challenge at first but I developed organizational skills using Notion to collect all of my information in one place. As well, I worked much closer with the producer and board to secure and distribute contracts for each musician.

The Pit Orchestra of Into the Woods, Full Broadway Orchestration

Photography by Emily Naud


The Marvelous Wonderettes


Out of Time